Sharpen those skates! Tape those sticks!
The H4A is a fun way to start your stuff out on the ice, playing the EA NHL 19 fast paced Mode of EA NHL 19 HUT. Play HUT against NHOL Community Members in games of 1 vs 1. All existing NHOL League Members wishing to participate are welcome to the join in the fun.
All you have to do is register on the NHOL WEBSITE and you will emailed instructions on how to join in on the fun.
If you have friends who want to play with you that are not NHOL Community Members they are welcome to join in.
Players must understand we have a structured system for all modes of our community. Our players always act in a mature manner at all times. Sportsmanship is our #1 rule.
All of our players are placed in league based on game play abilities.We have a spot for elite players, above average, average, or beginners.
Good Luck and Have Fun.