Join The National Hockey Online Leagues
Click Here To Register
All of our leagues are for mature people who like to play in structured leagues.
All players are placed in leagues based on game play ability
If your an elite player or a beginner we have a league for you.
A veteran community member explains to you how everything works.
NHOL Groupme Chat App  Rooms
All of our games are scheduled using the free chat app called Groupme owned by Microsoft.
You may join any open room you wish to join, otherwise you will need an admin to invite you to the invite only chatrooms.
Once you send in your registration form a league administrator will email you and set you up in out appropriate Groupme chat room.
Download Groupme today and get in on the fun, just join an open chatroom one of our Admins will get you started.
Orientation/League Set up Room OPEN Orientation/League Set up Room
EASHL 3vs3 Team League (3TL)Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
EASHL 6vs6 5vs5 Team League Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Rated Random League Chatroom (RRL) ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Versus1vs1 League #1 Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Versus1vs1 League #2 Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Versus1vs1 League #3 Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Versus1vs1 League #4 Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Versus1vs1 League Hardcore Chatroom ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Administrators Chat Room ADMIN INVITE NEEDED  
Any questions or comments just email the NHOL Administrators

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